Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tarantino Star Wars Bounty Hunters!

Imagine, if you will, Tarantino's ability to hodge podge all of the old action movies, Heist, Car, Martial Arts, Westerns. Now imagine if he did the same with old sci-fi films. The music, the great shots of Darth Vader and his troopers, and the vehicle chases and sabre/blaster battles! It might not fit strict Star Wars Canon but I think it would be a great time for this Tarantino/Star Wars fan!


Dengar, Bossk, Greedo, Boba Fett, and Zuckuss.

Mr. White
: If you shoot this man, you die next. Repeat. If you shoot this man, you die next.

While exploring this hypothetical I found this.

The Sentry is Marvelman/Miracleman?

The same as...

Or an aged Kid Marvelman? Young Marvelman?
Maybe Miracleman/Marvel Man will reappear in Dark Avengers #13?

According to Wikipedia.org:

Marvel Man's Powers: Abilities Superhuman strength, speed and stamina, flight, invulnerability, force fields, concussive energy blasts.

Sentry's Powers: Abilities Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, agility, reflexes, senses, and durability, light and radiation manipulation, Flight, Telepathy, Resurrection, Healing, Molecule Manipulation.


The comic was written by my favorite overall writer in comics, Mark Millar!

Here's the trailer:

Bendis does it again!

Siege was amazing! Marvel has decided to shorten their events and this one is only four issues, so, right to the action. Norman and Loki hatch a plan which we saw in the Siege Prelude on Marvel.com and in the free Origins of Siege. Volstagg of Asgard fame gets set up to cause a Stamford-esque disaster and it works when Volstagg is defending himself against the U-foes in a stadium full of civilians. Needless to say it was too much power in one place and it killed many!
Now Norman thinks this gives him the right to invade Asgard, even against President Barack Obama's saying otherwise. He gathers the entire Avengers Initiative roster and his Dark Avengers and goes for it. Will the heroes be there in time to stop the devastation? Cap, Thor and Iron Man, where are you?! HELP!


DC just announced Brightest Day, 26 issues, bi weekly,by Geoff Johns and an unnamed mystery artist. Covers by the newly acquired David Finch!

Here's the article from CBR.

So what does it mean? A White Lantern Corps? Will it have a happy ending and leave all of the Black Lanterns on Earth to revert back to themselves? Will it make the rest of the DCU interesting again?

Here's the promo image...

Want to find the Garden of Eden?

Look for a flaming sword, idiot! When the OGs got the boot the entrance was guarded by a flaming sword. Shouldn't be too hard to find.
Was Jesus running a Bernie Madoff Pyramid scheme of popularity, "The greatest con ever"?

OR was Jesus way cool!

P.S. What if Jesus had a twin who took the fall on the cross and then had help moving the rock and came out of the cave like..."YOYOYO!"?
Just a thought.


Drainage! Drainage, Eli, you boy. Drained dry. I'm so sorry. Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? You watching?. And my straw reaches acroooooooss the room, and starts to drink your milkshake... I... drink... your... milkshake!

Lets go!

Top Bands for my taste.


Gang of Four

Iggy Pop

Modest Mouse

Robocop Kraus


Daniel Johnston

Violent Femmes

Lamb of God


White Stripes


The Fall